Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Soul Train to Success

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Do you know about - The Soul Train to Success

Best Orthopedic Surgeons! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Small firm owners and solo-preneurs often find themselves riding the Feast or Famine Roller Coaster. If you have been on this roller coaster yourself and would like to perceive someone else ride in the Entrepreneurial Amusement Park, then I might suggest taking a ride on the Soul Train to Success! But first, you have to get off the Feast or Famine Roller Coaster.

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How is The Soul Train to Success

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Best Orthopedic Surgeons.

I love working with entrepreneurs because (for the most part) they love what they do-their work feeds their soul. Therefore, for the sake of this article, I am going to assume that you love what you do and that you have a talent or skill for the aid you provide.

If you've been perplexed over how to originate a steady stream of happy, loyal customers, I'd like you to reconsider these two common mistakes and see if you identify them in your own business.

Mistake number One: not having a definite target market with a signature system-what you are an devotee at-to serve that market.

Tip: This is Not a niche! A niche is the "what" you do, whereas, the market is the "who" you do it with, to or for.

We can take that one step additional and add the "How" to the "What" and the "Who". How do you aid those clients? I will use my own firm as an example:

o Niche (what)- firm Coach (There are thousands of firm coaches in the world.)

o market or exquisite Client (who)- the heart-centered, soulful aid supplier or soul-o-preneur

o Signature ideas (how)- straight through equine assisted coaching and Branding with Archetypes(Tm)

A viable market is a group of people who have a need or qoute that they want to solve and who are willing to invest in having that need or qoute solved! "Willing to invest" is the key phrase here.

I want to offer one more example of niche vs. Market, based on a firm other than coaching.

Let's have a conversation with a yoga instructor (Yi) and a marathon runner (Mr) at a sports and fitness training convention.

First scenario: yoga instructor without a target market

Mr: What do you do for a living?

Yi: I'm a yoga instructor. You should try one of my classes; it will convert your life.

Mr: Oh, yeah, I tried yoga a integrate of times but I just couldn't get into it. It's too slow for me. I'm a runner and blah, blah, blah...

Second scenario: yoga instructor with a target market

Mr: What do you do for a living?

Yi: I teach carrying out athletes how to beat their own records by incorporating anusara yoga into their training practice.

Mr: Really? How do you do that? I'm a marathon runner and have a goal to slice 16 minutes off my next race!

o Niche (what) -anusara yoga instructor (a particular form of yoga practice)

o market or exquisite Client (who) -performance athletes (willing to invest in having a qoute solved)

o Signature ideas (how) -combines a definite style of yoga (anusara) with the athlete's training to perform a measurable result

I can just hear you saying "Yeah, but I can also teach, massage, photograph, produce for, coach, bake, clean, consult-Whatever for anybody else who will pay me to do that thing!"

My response would be, "How is that working out for you so far?"

Take some time today to think about your own professional aid and see if you can identify your own niche and exquisite client.

Mistake number Two: trying to sell what you do instead of what people want.

The first example with the yoga instructor and the marathon runner is a exquisite illustration of the yoga instructor trying to sell what she does to the runner. He is not curious because he has a preconceived idea about yoga.

The second example is the yoga instructor speaking a very definite language that the runner is already listening for. He specifically hears the words, "I teach carrying out athletes how to beat their own records..." what comes after that is secondary. At this point in the conversation, the yoga instructor has the runner's undivided attention.

Once you have identified your exquisite clientele, you need to find out what it is that they want or need to have solved and are willing to invest in the clarification with you.

Pick a definite group of people that need or want a definite service. Think about the people that you personally want to serve, think about where the people you want to serve already spend their time.

For Example: Massage Therapist


Pregnant Mothers: baby clothing stores, Gymboree, Obgyn office, birthing class, etc...

Triathletes: events, orthopedic clinics, running stores, cycle shops, fitness centers, etc...

Active Seniors: withdrawal communities, dance centers, churches, 50+magazines, etc...

Take the time to discover their needs and speak to the results they are looking for in all of your literature, branding and web copy. When you fully understand a definite group of people's needs and show them a clarification or offer relief, you automatically come to be an devotee in that area. They come to be loyal clients and refer you to their friends who have similar needs and wants.

Ask yourself how you may be able to focus your talents on a definite group of people that need your service. Select a group that you have an affinity for and would like to spend time with. This approach does not mean you will not ever work with other groups of people in other ways, it does mean that you will build a steady stream of loyal clients who trust that you are looking out for their best interest.

Become an Expert

Not selecting a definite area of expertise to work in waters down your talents and credibility. When you focus on a definite need that people want solved, then you also grow your own skills and knowledge base in that area.

You would not go to a heart surgeon if you had a sinus infection, even though he could beyond doubt designate the antibiotic you need.

All victorious firm owners: work in a definite area of expertise; work with a mentor or coach to keep them fascinating send and in alignment with their own values and purpose; and don't do it All by themselves.

When you are in alignment with what you love to do and can work with a group of people that need what you have to offer and are willing to invest in having that need solved, then you are riding the soul train to success!

Become the professional you want to be and get the professional help you need to get you there.

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